Remote Debugging with Eclipse + WebSphere 8
So far, there is still lack of WebSphere 7 plugin for both Eclipse and NetBeans IDE. However, you are able to debug your web application via Java Debugger (jdb) . Here’s a guide to show you how to remote debugging your web application in Eclipse and WebSphere via Java Debugger (jdb). Eclipse < ---- > Java Debugger ( jdb ) < ---- > WebSphere 7 Copy 1. Enable WebSphere in Debug Mode In WebSphere web console, left navigation, 1. Servers –> Server Types –> WebSphere application servers 2. Under Server Infrastructure section –> expand Java and Process Management –> Process definition 3. Under Additional Properties section –> click Java Virtual Machine 4. Checked the “ Debug Mode ” 5. In Debug arguments textbox, put this - Xdebug - Xnoagent - Xrunjdwp : transport = dt_socket , server = y , suspend = n , address = 8888 Copy 6. Restart WebSphere server instance. Now, WebSphere is started in debug mode, and listening on port ...