CSM Day 2 - Summary
Product backlog characteristics:
- Ordered (based on high value, low cost and high risk)
- Progressively elaborated
- Transparent
- Includes: Features, Requirements, Infra items, Enhancements, Non functional, Defects
- Managed by Product backlog (content, order and availability)
- Incomplete
- Single source of requirements
- Estimated (by Development team only)
- Dynamic
- Each Product Backlog Item usually will have: Description, Order, Value and Estimate
- Product backlog refinement is to have few upcoming items in the Product backlog to be ready for the next one or two Sprints. This is to help for continuous and just enough planning
- Product increment release decision is decided by the Product owner. Product owner considers the below parameters to make this decision: Value, Usable, Does it make sense to release with respect to stakeholder expectations and market conditions
- Increment is created by the Development Team
- Product increment should always meet the scrum team’s shared understanding of Definition of Done
Sprint planning:
- Scrum team collaborates to understand the work of the Sprint in Sprint planning
- MAximum duration for the Sprint planning is 8 hours for 1 month Sprint
- Scrum team discusses what can be achieved and how it can be achieved in Sprint planning
- Development team can invite SMEs based on the need to Sprint planning
- Sprint planning inputs: Product backlog, Team’s past performance, Projected capacity of Development team, Latest product increment
- Sprint planning outputs: Sprint Goal and Sprint Backlog
- Sprint Goal provides the direction for the Development team during the Sprint
- Product owner proposes the tentative business objective in the Sprint planning
Daily Scrum:
- This is primary responsibility of Development team
- Product owner and Scrum master are optional
- Anyone in the organization can attend the Daily Scrum as silent observers
- If Development team wants Product owner to participate in the Daily SCrum, the Product owner should join
- Maximum duration is 15 minutes irrespective of Sprint duration
- Development team inspects the Sprint goal and adapt the Sprint backlog with current day planning in Daily scrum
- In daily Scrum the Development team highlights the impediments. The resolution for those impediments is not discussed in the Daily scrum. If required the team can meet immediately after the Daily scrum to resolve the impediments
- Daily scrum is not a status meeting. It is a planning and knowledge sharing event, status is byproduct.
Sprint review:
- Sprint review is to inspect the Product increment and adapt the Product backlog with feedback
- Scrum team along with Stakeholders participate in the Sprint review
- Maximum 4 hours for Sprint review for 1 month Sprint, shorter for shorter sprints
- Input for Sprint review is “product increment”
- Output of Sprint Review is “adapted product backlog”
Sprint retrospective:
- The sprint retrospective is to inspect and adapt the scrum team itself and to come up with actionable improvement plan
- Maximum duration for Sprint retrospective is 3 hours for a 1-month Sprint, shorter for shorter sprints
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